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PRT Credit Risk Monitor​

NISA’s Pension Risk Transfer (PRT) Credit Risk Monitor is a market-based measure of the relative credit risk of common PRT annuity providers (“insurers”) designed to assist fiduciaries in identifying a “safest annuity available” PRT provider as required by the Department of Labor’s Interpretive Bulletin 95-1.

“Pension Risk Transfers May be Transferring Risk to Beneficiaries,” details our approach and methodology. That paper concluded that there is a large range of creditworthiness among PRT providers. NISA’s PRT Credit Risk Monitor reports this range, by PRT provider, on a quarterly basis.

Subscribe to our quarterly PRT Credit Risk Monitor updates as part of our monthly LDI Update.

Economic Loss to Beneficiaries (ELB)SM

ELB Formula

Provider's Average Issuer Spread Term Structure

The Provider’s Average Issuer Spread Term Structure is an interactive representation of the Option-adjusted Spread (OAS) of PRT providers. Lines represent the average spread to Treasuries of each PRT provider for bonds issued by that insurer at various maturities — higher spreads suggest higher credit risk. To view any one PRT provider’s issuer spread curve line data individually, click on the PRT provider’s name. On the individual view, dots associated with each line represent the bonds’ monthly average OAS. For reference, the gray zones represent one standard deviation boundaries around the fitted OAS of the full corporate universe for bonds of a given rating.

Provider's Average Issuer Spread Term Structure

OAD vs OAS Interactive Graph

Sources: Bloomberg, NISA calculations. Data as of 09/30/2024.

Insurers chosen are based on “U.S. Pension Risk Transfer: 2023 Reflections and Looking Ahead,” AON March 2024, who were identified as Mid-size/Large or Large/Jumbo participants and have issued securities at the policy level for the institutional fixed income market.

Liquidity in the Funding Agreement Backed Notes (FABN) Market​

The 2023 Daily Trading Volume for FABN Securities Issued by Selected PRT Providers summarizes the liquidity of the FABN market by reporting the range of daily trading volumes for the PRT providers in this monitor. 

2023 Daily Trading Volume for FABN Securities Issued by Selected PRT Providers ($mm)

FABN data

Sources: TRACE, NISA calculations. Data ranges from 01/02/2023 to 12/31/2023. Reported transactions represent the trading activity of USD FABNs issued by the PRT providers listed in the table. Future trading activity may differ from historical trading observations. 

Insurers chosen are based on “U.S. Pension Risk Transfer: 2023 Reflections and Looking Ahead,” AON March 2024, who were identified as Mid-size/Large or Large/Jumbo participants and have issued securities at the policy level for the institutional fixed income market.

Additional Resources

For more background on the PRT market and our analyses, see our resources below. If you would like to discuss your particular situation in more detail, our client services team is available to assist.

Subscribe to our quarterly PRT Credit Risk Monitor updates as part of our monthly LDI Update.

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