Client-Centric Approach

We partner with asset allocators, plan consultants, plan staff and committees to simplify complex problems and construct highly-customized portfolios.

NISA manages $429 billion,1 primarily in actively-managed separate account portfolios and/or derivative overlay portfolios for large, institutional asset owners. We work closely with clients to assist in developing a custom strategy, benchmarks and reporting to help to differentiate their approach, achieve their objectives and solve key challenges.

Strategic Capabilities

Our strategic capabilities are foundational to our innovative solutions for clients. We have the ability to implement highly prescriptive mandates, but also to customize differentiated portfolio strategies.

Asset Classes

We seek to identify the optimal mix of market exposures and instruments to attain client objectives.

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Long Duration Bonds

NISA specializes in long duration bond portfolio management. Our portfolios are often part of liability-driven investment strategies that emphasize a high degree of interest rate exposure and tight tracking error targets. Benchmark customization is common and frequently incorporates characteristics of the liability being hedged.
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Short and Core Duration Bonds

NISA manages fixed income portfolios against both broad market, e.g., aggregate and TIPS and highly customized benchmarks. Our risk-controlled approach to active management focuses on risk-adjusted alpha. Our style is often viewed as a complement to more aggressive strategies employed by other managers.

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NISA is a leader in derivative overlay strategies, which deliver highly customized exposures and demand great attention to detail. Our size and experience give us deep product and operational knowledge, and we have invested in the infrastructure needed to manage such portfolios.
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Equity Assets

NISA manages low tracking error portfolios primarily for taxable clients who are seeking tax efficiency, but also for investors seeking custom factor tilts or environmental, social and governance (ESG) objectives. Many of the assets in these strategies are managed for Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts (NDTs).

Assets under management (AUM) data represents $274 billion of physical assets and $154 billion in derivatives notional value as of 12/31/2024.