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NISA and HFR Enter into an Agreement Allowing NISA to Deliver an Exclusive, Proprietary Approach to Risk Parity

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NISA Investment Advisors, LLC, an industry leading asset manager of customized strategies for world-leading organizations, has signed a license agreement with HFR, a global leader in indexing and analysis, enabling NISA to deliver an innovative risk parity investment solution.

NISA’s proprietary approach will utilize HFR data to identify a centroid of risk parity exposures allowing NISA to design and implement their process in client portfolios. The approach aims to attain a transparent and liquid portfolio at a reduced cost relative to existing alternatives.

David Eichhorn, CEO and Head of Investment Strategies for NISA, says “Our continuous curiosity and client-first focus often leads us to discover new solutions for clients. In our work to address the inadequacies of traditional risk parity benchmarking, we also found what we believe is an exceptional approach in portfolio design. We are excited to introduce NISA’s approach to asset owners seeking this type of solution.”

THE HFR Risk Parity Index and HFR® are financial indexes of and/or the trademarks and service marks of HFR Index. (“HFR”) and are used under license from HFR. HFR is not in any way related or connected to or affiliated with NISA Investment Advisors, LLC any of its related or affiliated companies or their financial products and funds. HFR has not participated in the creation or formation of any financial product of NISA Investment Advisors, LLC., does not endorse, approve or recommend investing in any such financial products, and is not liable for any damages of any kind or nature relating to the financial products or funds.

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